Saturday, January 24, 2015

Historical Images: Ancient Egypt 

The ancient Egyptians followed a rigid class system. You could even see this reflected int he furniture. The Pharaoh's furnishings were gilded, intricate, and included rare inlaid materials. The workers had very basic furnishings made of what was readily available. The Egyptians were constantly trading as they were located near the Nile river. They were very religious and religion influenced all aspects of their daily lives. We see the influence of religion in their furniture, paintings and pyramids. Ancient Egyptian culture became a strong modern influence in the 1920s and 1930s as King Tut's tomb was discovered and became a world wide mysterious and fascinating influence on fashion and interior design. This culture and its mystery is still inspiring our designs  today. 

Ancient Eqyptian chair - great example of the use of a grid system in the construction

Ancient Egyptian bed
Ancient painting depicting an interior scene - great snapshot of Egyptian furniture in use. If you look closely you can get a strong sense of the materials used.
Ancient Egyptian Bed 

Modern references of Ancient Egypt

So many references here. Many geometric shapes, literal interpretations of egyptian furnoture, prints
Wallpaper with strong egyptian influence, also art deco - does this make you think of palm leaves? This plant was prevelant in ancient Egypt. The black adn gold colors were also used frequently by the ancient Egyptians. 

One of the colors ancient Eqyptians utilized was red. This space has many references to this time period. Notice the feet on the chairs being in the lion paw form and the chair mimicking the ancient Egyptian style. See gold gilded accent in the room, and the details on the table referencing an urn-like piece.

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